Energi Bersih

Untung Rugi Teknologi Energi Bersih

Energi Bersih Manusia umumnya sangat bergantung pada energi untuk dapat menjalankan aktivitasnya.  Akan tetapi, pemanfaatan energi tersebut perlu memiliki dampak yang tidak membahayakan lingkungan sebagai bagian dari upaya menjaga keberlanjutan alam.  Clean Energy atau energi bersih menjadi sumber energi yang dihasilkan tanpa atau dengan emisi karbon yang rendah, serta memiliki dampak lingkungan yang minimal.  Ini …

Apa Itu Clean Energy dan Urgensinya bagi Bumi?

Seiring dengan meningkatnya dampak dari perubahan iklim, semakin banyak orang menyadari pentingnya mengurangi produksi emisi karbon secara tepat.  Clean energy menjadi suatu sumber daya pilihan yang dianggap dapat mengatasi kekhawatiran akan efek penggunaan bahan bakar fosil terutama terkait dengan dampak lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia. Baca Juga:Dekarbonisasi untuk Energi Bersih  Seiring dengan meningkatnya dampak perubahan iklim …


ESG Excellence: A Digital Handbook for Monitoring and Enhancing Corporate Sustainability

For all companies, Environmental, Social and Governance  (ESG) issues have become key business considerations. Corporate policies and practices are closely watched by investors, employees, customers, government officials and other stakeholders. That’s why it has the urgency to be implemented in companies. Visit: Data Integration for Effortless Carbon Emission Monitoring and Reporting According to a global …

Carbon emission

How to Monitor Carbon Emission Monthly with Ease

Introduction to Carbon Emission Calculation and Monitoring (Monthly) In the era of intense business competition, corporate sustainability has become the primary focus to create a positive impact on the environment and support the company’s reputation. One key aspect of ensuring sustainability is the periodic monitoring of carbon emission. Carbon emission Why is Monthly Carbon Monitoring …

Sustainability Report

Seamless Integration: Streamlining Data for Effortless Sustainability Report

In an era where corporate responsibility and sustainability take precedence, organizations are increasingly turning to seamless integration solutions to simplify data collection for the creation of easily achievable sustainability reports. Find the significance of seamless integration in the context of sustainability report, along with its benefits and key considerations in this article. Sustainability Report Challenges …

Carbon Footprint

Reducing Carbon Footprint: A Comprehensive Guide for Companies to Begin

Carbon Footprint and its Impacts The company is one of the contributors to the carbon footprint from the company’s main activities, including the use of electricity and water, as well as the utilization of other fossil fuels. These carbon emissions contribute to the occurrence of climate change. Climate change refers to the long-term transformation of …