5 Big Threats of Deforestation
Forest covers nearly one-third of the land area on our planet and is home to the majority of terrestrial life. They are also essential to human health, purifying our water and air and serving as our first line of defence against new infectious diseases. Forests also play a big role in mitigating climate change and maintaining the stability of Earth’s climate system. But unfortunately, the act of deforestation is happening everywhere for commercial purposes, industries and others, without being aware of the impact on the environment that now becomes a threat to the world. Deforestation refers to a process of clearing or cutting down large areas of forests or trees, leading to the permanent loss of forest cover. Here are several significant threats following the act of deforestation: Tree roots help to stabilize soil and prevent erosion. Deforestation increases the risk of soil erosion, leading to reduced soil fertility, landslides, and desertification. Deforestation results in the destruction of habitats for countless plant and animal species, leading to a loss of biodiversity. Many species may become endangered or extinct as a result of habitat loss. It estimates that the world is losing 137 species of plants, animals and insects every day to deforestation. Forests play a critical role in regulating the water cycle by absorbing and releasing water through transpiration. Deforestation can disrupt local and regional water cycles, leading to changes in precipitation patterns and water availability. Deforestation often occurs in regions inhabited by indigenous peoples who depend on forests for their culture, livelihoods, and identity. Deforestation can lead to the loss of traditional knowledge, cultural heritage, and land rights for indigenous communities. Trees act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When forests are cleared, this stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change and global warming. Efforts to reduce deforestation and promote sustainable land management practices are essential for mitigating these threats and preserving the health and integrity of forests and the ecosystems they support. Concerning the effort of combating deforestation, Satuplatform presents an all-in-one solution that gives reliable ESG reports and calculations for your company or entities. 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